Dear Ultimate Devotees of Babaji

on his boat of Satkartar Bedapar:

It takes a greatchallenge to become an ultimate devotee.


To become a devotee is one thing and to maintain and graduate to ultimate levels  is a divine and challenging experience meant  only for the few ones whom the Guru has chosen.


Have you heard that great Gurus were also once simple devotees? They did their rigorous penance and attained Guruhood.

Babaji’s name was Baba Tapaswiji – Tapas is penance.


While the Guru is constantly in a state of Tapas for his beloved ones like us and if there ever  a fraction of that Tapas that comes on our way as blessing and challenge we simply go haywire and falter in our sadhana.


Tapas coming in our way could be a  trouble, a test,  or maybe sometimes a difficulat situation to comprehend  ?


Can our trust be so weak ?


Those who are special to the Guru and know this for themselves and accept  Tapas as a learning experience that is infact for kalyana (betterment).

In a ladder of success in material life there comes a time to experience kalyana and the experience of Tapas can make one realize how much the Guru goes through 24 x 7 for the kalayana of his devotees.


Next time you have some great trouble/ great test as a devotee know that it is a part of fraction of Guru’s Tapas and at his behest to know its quality despite the roller coaster ride that it will take you  to.experience the state of Kalayana at the end.

The Guru has to graduate his loved ones – he has to take his best ones to the another level – he will not see his best ones sit as ordinary ones – he has a mission and vision for his beloved ones included in the master plan that he has for his entire lot of devotees.

There used to be once a single man as a devotee who was passing by a dam and suddenly he saw a huge crack on the walls of the dam – with an option to run away from there he prayed to his Guru to get him out from the path soon so that he is saved from the savagery water force should the dam burst any moment.   The Guru appeared in front of him and ordered him to go and climb near the crack so as to withdstand the savagery waters just as the dam would burst !  .


The devotee for a moment thought something was wrong with his Guru instead of saving him he was ordered to go near the crack.   With trust in his viens the devotee by virtue of default went near the crack and closed his eyes and stood there for 3 consequetive days and at end saw that the dam bursted and the water carried him to ocean and he landed up into entirely a different country to be saved by the local fisherman of that country where he earned a new name and identity ! ( In normal circumstances to get citizenship of this country would be impossible !)


Now this was a dream that the devotee saw when he woke up one morning


Contemplating the dream he came to conclusion that encountering troubles was a plan of divine to be followed and experienced.


Life is also just like a dream – we are living in moments of now – what is stored tomorrow no one knows but yes the Guru knows it very well.


Hence any trouble in life – know that it is element of Tapas – A Prasad – a boon in disguise which will bring a sea of change in your life for betterment !


Sat Kartar Beda Par


ps: attached is a wonderful picture of Babaji with his ultimate devotees